Social Responsibility


Selly Park Primary School has an Outreach Programme with annual events.
We also assist various charity organisations when the need arises.


Mandela Day:
Mandela Day Is a global call to action that celebrates the idea that each individual has the power to transform the world and the ability to make an impact. Each year Selly Park students celebrate Mandela Day with a different theme or activity, the end result of which is always a reminder that we all can make a positive difference in someone’s life.

Hospice Pack-a-Sack:
Our Pack-a-Sack Day is intended to make the students aware of those less fortunate who live amongst us and our school families are asked to donate clothes, (second hand or new), non-perishable food, toiletries and toys. (In essence any items that they do not need anymore.)
These donations are sorted and distributed amongst the local charity organisations in and around Rustenburg.

Four Special Days Rolled into One:
Each year, Spring Day, National Readathon Day, Arbour Day and Casual Day are combined into one exciting event. Proceeds from the sale of Casual Day stickers go to Spes Bona, a local home for persons with disabilities.

This day is used to remind us of the needs of our 4-legged friends and each child is encouraged to bring dog/cat food to school, which along with extra items purchased from funds raised, is distributed to the local SPCA.